Hey Lucas! I'm not a horse – I'm a human being!

I hear you! I know, I haven't forgotten.

The analogy for today's newsletter is actually an excellent analogy for being trapped by expectations of others and your preconditioned mind, and today, we're going to talk about breaking free from them.

Check out the image I found on Reddit that serves as today's inspiration.

Photo by Reddit

Let's talk about this in detail, starting off with expectations.

Caged by Expectations

As social creatures, we get exposed to peoples' opinions and expectations from a very young age. And this exposure doesn't stop as you get older.

  • "Don't wear purple. It doesn't look good on you."
  • "You're looking a little chubby there. Ever heard of a gym?"
  • "Toughen up – it's part of being a man."
  • "You want to do what with your life? You need to be a doctor!"
  • "Get good grades and do well in school. If you don't, you won't be successful in life."

Anyone ever hear any of these before? Leave a comment if so. I know I have.

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